our story
a mother's struggle
mason’s jar. came about in 2016, when I noticed red scaly patches on my infant Mason’s torso and joints that began to grow and really irritate him. After months of frustrating medical appointments and over-the-counter creams and topicals, I finally got to a pediatric dermatologist who diagnosed him with baby eczema.
While relieved that I finally had a diagnosis, I was dismayed by what she said next: there is no cure as most babies eventually outgrow the condition and, at best, she could prescribe a topical steroid to calm the inflammation. Steroids. On a 5mth old baby...YIKES!!! She agreed and suggested I look into homeopathic remedies such as oatmeal baths and natural detergents - which I had already been doing.
As I researched, a couple key ingredients kept popping up: essential oils, coconut oil, and honey. I continued to research the benefits of these ingredients and started to experiment with all natural, high quality ingredients that could calm my son’s inflamed skin. A coworker suggested I try adding beeswax to the mix. The benefits of beeswax as an anti-allergenic are well known, but I was surprised that beeswax is also an anti-inflammatory agent. I continued to experiment and finally came up with a recipe that seemed to soothe and calm Mason’s skin.
Soon, my husband and other children started to use the lotion and loved it. Then family members began to ask for the lotion for themselves. Overtime, I started making the lotion and jarring them in mason jars as party favors and holiday gifts for friends and family. All the while I kept being asked “when are you going to start selling this stuff?!?!” As a working mom with three little ones, starting a business may seem like - scratch that - IS a crazy idea. But I truly believe in this lotion, both in its benefits for those with skin issues as well as an all natural, organic daily moisturizer, so I took the plunge and mason's jar. was born.
Since then, we've expanded our product line to include a variety of products to cleanse, nourish, and repair your skin- all with a singular focus in mind: you deserve radiantly beautiful skin, the natural way. That's why at mason's jar., we're committed to creating natural and organic skincare products that cater to every skin type. Welcome to the mason's jar. family!